Building for Public Experience Experimental Scent Summit 2017, 5.5.2017
Building for Public Experience Experimental Scent Summit 2017, 5.5.2017

BERLIN 2016 7.15. - 9.18.2016all+about (summary)
BERLIN 2016 15.7. – 18.9.2016ALL (Summary)

permanent programTh. & Fr. 12am-8pm + Sa. & Su. 2pm-10pm
Permanentes ProgrammDo. & Fr. 12-20h + Sa. & So. 14-22h

Autocomplete Opening, 07.15.2016
AutocompleteEröffnung und Premiere, 15.07.2016

Home from Home Film & Smell, 07.17./09.04./09.11.2016
Die andere Heimat – Chronik einer SehnsuchtFilm und Geruch, 17.07./04.09./11.09.2016

The Art of Olfactory StorytellingWorkshop, 08.02.2016
The Art of Olfactory StorytellingWorkshop, 02.08.2016

Orchestral WhifftracksMusic & Smell, with the Berlin Improvisers Orchestra and pieces by Stephen Crowe, 09.08.2016
Orchestral WhifftracksMusik & Geruch, mit dem Berlin Improvisers Orchestra und Stücken von Stephen Crowe, 08.09.2016

Scents and SignsWorkshop, 09.10.2016
Scents and SignsWorkshop, 10.09.2016

The Summer, when I will be famous Children’s literature & smell, 09.14.2016
„Geel Gras (Der Sommer, in dem…)“Kinderliteratur & Geruch,14.09.2016