Talk by Wolfgang Georgsdorf on
„Olfactory Theatre – Building for Public Experience“
The talk was part of the Art and Olfaction 2017 Experimental Scent Summit. The Experimental Scent Summit happened in the course of The Art and Olfaction Award ceremony 2017, which took place on May 6, 2017 at Silent Green Kulturquartier in Berlin. More information about the awards.
Experimental Scent Summit
Silent Green Kulturquartier, Berlin
Fr., 5 May 2017
5.50pm – 6.30pm
More infos on the program.
Vortrag von Wolfgang Georgsdorf zum Thema:
„Olfactory Theatre – Building for Public Experience“
Der Vortrag fand im Rahmen des Art and Olfaction 2017 Experimental Scent Summit statt. Der Experimental Scent Summit war ein Begleitprogramm der Art and Olfaction Awards, die am 6. Mai im Silent Green Kulturquartier Berlin stattfanden. Mehr Informationen über den Art and Olfaction Award.
Experimental Scent Summit
Silent Green Kulturquartier, Berlin
Freitag, 5.5.2017
17.50-18.30 Uhr
Weitere Informationen zum Ablauf und Rahmenprogramm.